Alright, so you want to know about my husband.
How long have you been married? 14 years this July. Almost time for another cruise! I figure every 5 years would be great.
My Life as a Princess among 6 Handsome Princes
Alright, so you want to know about my husband.
You guys know how I love to brag. I want you all to see what I can do and be jealous, and feel bad about yourselves because you're not as perfect as me. Here's an example for you to aspire to, or despair of ever being able to pull off:
My husband asked me last night to produce a 'valentiney' dish of food for him to take to work for a potluck. "Sure, no problem" I think I said. I may have actually said something like, "can't you just pick something up on the way to work?" I could be mistaken. This morning as I was skipping out to the gym, he reminded me of the potluck. I emitted a whiny sound like "Eeiiyugh". I decided against schlepping into a store while I was sweaty and gross. I would just whip up something delicious and bragworthy when I got home. Chocolate fudge pudding cake? Nope, couldn't remember what book the recipe was in. Lazy Day Cake? Perfect. I got the batter into the mixer, and it looked a bit thick. It had been a while since I'd made it, so I just shrugged and added a little water. The cake baked right up, and I prepared the coconut frosting to broil. I glanced at the recipe again, and I saw 2/3 cup milk. Milk? Shoot. That's why it seemed so dry. I swear, I only had the cake in the broiler for a minute or two, when smoke came billowing out the vent. I knew it was over. Behold:
After a long, drab winter, the first flower of spring! It's here, in my spice garden! Isn't she beautiful?