That's been me the last week or so. That's away without leave, for those of you who didn't grow up in the military. I have indeed been away from the blogging world. What have I been doing, exactly? I'll show you.Here I am the night before school got out finalizing my educational and vocational training for my children during the summer. It's not as complicated as last year, but they still have to clean their rooms, read scriptures, do a predetermined school subject, an outside chore, an inside chore, a relationship-building activity with a designated brother, and practice their instrument. It's actually going pretty well so far.
Speaking of instruments.....I've purchased, nay, invested, in a violin for this sweety. Last year he had a train wreck of a school loaner to work with. They wouldn't let him keep it for the summer, so in order to keep up with his lessons, he's been entrusted with this little beauty. I've been assured by the sales guy that it will last him his whole life, unless he decides to go professional. It had better, is all I have to say. This boy is so naturally diligent and hardworking that I don't doubt he'll get decades of use out of it. Can't you see how thrilled he is?
I call this picture "Happy Father's Day- Just Don't Kiss Anyone"Instead of feasting on breakfast in bed, my poor husband spent Father's Day morning in urgent care with two of our boys. All three had strep throat. The next day, two more succumbed. I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank whoever exposed our family to this. Hmmm, after five office visit copays and rounds of antibiotics for everyone, what can I ever do to truly express my gratitude? I've got it- I'll just wait till we have someone with pinkeye or head lice. Then I'll get my revenge (I'm rubbing my hands together, cackling with an unholy glint in my eyes)
I've been boating with my girlies. Here are some of the cuties I teach on Sundays. I sooo love these girls.
And I've been schmoozing the neighbor's puppy. Too cute.
I've also spent a lot of time hunting and riding at a ranch outside of Tucson, Arizona. Sure, it was 100 years ago, but it's been real to me! The sequels to These is My Words got here, and I've been a ranching widow all week.
What I Learned...
4 years ago