Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Modest Swimwear

Have you ever found yourself in a quandary, wondering if your swimsuit is modest enough? Got cellulite? Stretch marks? A squishy tummy? Thinning hair? Jiggly arms? An unsightly tattoo? I have a solution for you! Now introducing........

Wait for it,

Wait for it......

The Burquini.


Home of the Muddy Kids said...

I like it! Now, if it wasn't for that pesky drowning-because-of-too-much-fabric thing I would be all over it.

Sleepless In St. George said...

You just know that the day I wear that I would find A)a big fat red zit on the tip of my nose B)a huge wart on my hand and C)foot fungus like you wouldn't believe. You know us women, we are always able to find a flaw....even if we are covering up the other ones!

Jenn said...

That is an easy solution to crowd control at the beach. Not as many men would show up...maybe more women though.

fivekidsandsomechocolate said...

Thank you. I have been looking for the perfect suit for our reunion.
Does it come in other colors?

Lindsay said...

That is my kind of suit! I read the host and love it too. But I also loved the Twilight series too. Looks like you had fun on your trip.

Doran & Jody said...

Ah ha ha. I gotta get me one of these. And to think you don't even need a tan either.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and slimming what more can you ask for?! :) LOL N

EarlGirl said...

My sister asked me if this is for real. Yes, it's really a swimsuit for Islamic women. It's made of lycra and it's really called a burquini. You can find one online if you google modest swimsuits, or maybe I can start a business and sell these in parties in ladies homes. Takers, anyone? :)

My Three Sons said...

I love your sense of humor, but seriously, I could use one of those:) My belly and thighs are just not the same since the twins. :) You made me laugh today!

My Three Sons said...

P.S. I'm so glad you LOVED "These Is My Words" as much as I did....isn't it just a perfect novel?

Dweezleboss said...

I just had the harrowing experience of buying a swimsuit. I can't believe you found such a nice one. I think I NEED the burquini. Do you suppose it even enhances egg-shaped women?

Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with swimsuits, lately I have been wobbling in my maternity one on the boat or at the river.

But all these skin cancer scares that we read on papers and online make me think something like that is better than 45SPF sunscreen.

That color absorbs heat and UV rays, they should make that burquini white to reflect the light, and think that most burquas are black, desert people should know better than that :)

Jodi said...

Now that has possibilities! Think of all the time we would save in the dreaded dressing rooms trying to find the perfect suit!

Stop on by, I have a little bloggy give away going on!

FleetingMoments said...

This is a perfect thing!

Medinga said...

LOVE IT! If only people realized how bad they REALLY looked in skimpy bikinis. They'd look awesome in this!