Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Sweet Gig.

I've realized lately, that I have a pretty sweet deal going on over here. Do you know, the place beside me at the table is the hottest real estate in town? The spot next to me on the couch during morning scriptures is fought over. Logan never wants the drive home from violin lessons to end because it's 'our' time together without anyone else. My husband shivers with delight to get a hug, kiss or shoulder rub from me at the end of the day. My little guys melt when I wrap my arms around them, like mommy hugs are some kind of drug. Dainon's eyes light up and he flexes enthusiastically when I punch him on the shoulder. It's like I'm a sought-after celebrity that no one can get enough of. Who knew that along with the dishes and laundry came so much power to make others so very happy?
It's a very sweet gig indeed.


Jana said...

Sounds like they clap when you walk in the room.....

EarlGirl said...

Ha! I get it! Actually, they cast their dirty socks upon the ground to cushion my feet. That's true devotion.

Home of the Muddy Kids said...

Awwwwwwww. What sweet boys!

Home of the Muddy Kids said...

Thanks for the doughnuts, by the way. Yum diddly scrum! Or should I say "Need to run diddly run"?

Jenn said...

I'll appreciate this more another day...

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