Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Weekend in Boise

A few weeks ago, my mom, sisters and I all met in Boise for a girls weekend. We'd never done anything like this before, and we were amazed at how delightful and stress-free it was. We got to chat, play makeup, play games, (anyone tried the game curses?) have a clothing exchange, all kinds of fun things all without trying to cajole bored spouses, quiet children, and tend to grouchy babies. It was such a relief to just enjoy each other without dealing with all these issues. We swam, shopped, caught a movie, and best of all, we got to know our new baby sister-in-law Jenny. She's adorable! We are all so charmed by her sweetness. As a family of sisters with only one brother, we worried about what it would be like having another woman in the family that's not us. What if she's a snob? What if she doesn't want to borrow our maternity clothes? We got so lucky! She's the best.


Home of the Muddy Kids said...

And it was just so fun! I'm so glad that we were all able to go! Can't wait for next year.

Kim said...

I'm so JEALOUS. I need a weekend with my sisters like nobody's business!!!

Allison said...

So fun! Jealous for sure!