Tuesday, November 3, 2009

When is the last time you really screamed?

Mine was the other day when one of my older boys shoved their cell phone to my ear and played a voice mail. It was from a girl. I heard the phrases "I've been watching you....If you want this relationship to work, you need to....I LOVE YOU...."
Then I screamed, loud and long. Then I think I fainted.

***Warning to you young ladies out there. My boys will not be played. Their mom has a black belt in feminine wiles and will instruct her strapping young men in the martial art of resisting you.***


Allison said...

I would like to sign up now for lessons from you, so that I, too, will have a black belt by the time I need it. Heaven help us!

lovecat said...

I think I lost my voice.....

MamaBird said...

You go Big Mama! (you are SO entertaining!)

Home of the Muddy Kids said...

What a creepy girl! If she's dishing out the ol' 3 word phrase at 13 or 14, she's got nothin' left to hold off as the Big Guns later!

Jenn said...

Since when do we have to ask our boys if they have their pepper spray before they leave the house?