Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Heart Ireland

After about an hour on our own at the airport, we ran into Kim. She'd been there all along, waiting at the barrier with her daughter holding adorable welcome signs. We figure she didn't see us for a reason. While she was waiting for us, she met a little girl who is terminally ill. Her family is throwing a party for her, just to celebrate that she's still with them. Kim, a stranger to her until then, is making her a castle cake for the occasion. It was one of those important connections. It all ended up the way it was supposed to.

Ireland is stunning. It's lush, and rain comes and goes during the day. My hair loves it. Kim is delightful. I hadn't seen her since 9th grade, but she's been so fun and welcoming. It was great to arrive at her house, shower, crash, then all crowd on the bed for talking and giggling.
We have a very good view into the neighbor's backyard, and were fascinated with her laundry hanging activities. Later on in the morning it began to rain, so we dashed back upstairs to see what she would do with her laundry. This gal can report that the woman didn't care. She left her laundry hanging during the shower. I'll be sure to keep you posted as the situation develops.


Allison said...

I will be riveted to my computer awaiting the next installment! :) Enjoy every second!

Kimberly said...

:-) Glad you are here.