I feel like I'm so behind. I've started to post so many times, but just get diverted before I'm done. So I decided to give a reader's digest version of the last few weeks.
*I'm obsessed with home decorating lately. I've scored big time at yard sales, and have bought a ton of spray paint. I'm having the time of my life.

*I had a great Mother's Day. I scored a lilac, burning bush, heirloom tomatoes, chocolates and adorable things from my boys.

*I hosted the whole Earl clan that very same day. We ate, and played baseball in our field. Good times, good times.

*Lilacs are blooming right outside my back door, leaving me transported with joy.
*Fruit trees are blooming, and hidden treasures in the back forest have been found: massive elderberry trees, choke cherry bushes, and a wild apple tree. Jam, anyone?
*We're still Earls, even though we moved. So of course there is a rope swing, and kids to play with Kelton.

* Isn't this picture a thing of beauty? Three cheers for having boys old enough to mow the lawn!

*I'm taking my first baby steps at decorating. What do you think? Like the little mirrors and basin and pitcher? Recognize them from the spray paint picture?

*Jill is in heaven digging everywhere for gophers. No squirrels to chase here.

*The boys had their Father/Son campout, which is also known as National Mothers of Only Sons Holiday. I was down with a grevious injury (I sliced the top of my foot pretty deeply) and was ordered to STAY DOWN. Which I did, so my friend Elisa brought a girls night party to me. Tons of food, lots of laughs... it was great.
The entryway with mirrors, pictures and table look fantastic! I LOVE the water basin. Perfection!
What are you going to name a goat?
so, like, it's been three weeks. whatcha up to now? Not that i'm not interested in potential goats or anything, but....
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