This picture illustrates the sad story of my life right now. It is a loaf of beautiful, freshly-ground whole wheat bread that actually turned out right. I lovingly made it for the fruit of my womb, to nourish and strengthen them when they got home from school. I left an older boy in charge, and took another son to violin lessons. When I got back, I found my bread on the ground. Where was my dependable babysitter? Asleep, on the couch downstairs. It appears the baby got peckish, and helped himself.That's nothing to the reception I got when I came in from viola lessons yesterday. Another trusty brother got distracted with video games. I came in to hear water gushing from the basement ceiling onto the carpet. It seems Baby got a little thirsty and helped himself to some water in the bathroom sink. And blocked the drain with a towel, and walked away. "I don't understand how this could have happened!" he wailed. "He was just here a minute ago!" I hear you, brother. Yesterday that same angelic baby took a permanent marker to my velvety upholstered dining chairs. And the computer. I swear, he was just by me minutes before too. So after no school on Friday, my husband working Saturday, being snowed in on Sunday, no school Monday or Tuesday, then disasters Wednesday and Thursday....This Chicky's Cracked!
What I Learned...
4 years ago
Oh Missy, I am so sorry. You are a good Mom, you took pictures and have a great way to remember and look back at this and laugh. But that just stinks.
You know, they invented locking door handles for a reason. If you just had some rope, you could tie them all together, lock them in the closet and have some peace for an hour or two. That's what I do anyway...
Oh man! Sounds hectic! The bread looks like it tasted good though!
Thanks, sniff, it was really good. I appreciate the sympathy. I feel much better now though. I spent the morning sacked out, cuddled up with my baby "watching" spongebob dvds. That has an amazing restorative effect.
I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. Please don't hesitate to hope an airplane to my house if this should ever happen again!
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